Tag Archives: social distancing

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

School Principals’ Message to STS Staff

In April this year, STS created a heartful video message addressing the support staff community, to tell them that they were constantly in our hearts and minds. We brought together principals of over 20 schools to record their thoughts, wishes and messages for our bus drivers and bus guardians.

Speaking on behalf of the school staff and the students, the principals told the drivers and guardians that were being missed and encouraged them to focus on their health and wellbeing. Urging them to stay home and stay safe, the video echoed sentiments shared by the government and healthcare professionals as we continued to fight the viral outbreak.

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

Standing in solidarity with the local authorities, STS sought to keep the employee morale high during the difficult times and advised the staff to keep a positive attitude, reminding them that we would all be back together very soon.

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

The video, put together to create a positive and hopeful vibe, received an overwhelming response from staff members. STS’s social media platforms were flooded with tremendously positive posts and comments. The video reached well over 20,000 members of the community within days of being posted and was shared over 160 times on Facebook alone!

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

School Principals' Message to STS Staff

Stuff the Mind Campaign

Stuff the Mind Campaign

Every year during the holy month of Ramadan, STS organises its CSR initiative, ‘Stuff the Bus’ campaign, encouraging schools and businesses across the UAE to donate school items, educational supplies, toys and goodies for less-fortunate children.

This year, with heavy restrictions on movement and social gatherings, we decided to strengthen the sense of belonging across the STS family by launching a new ‘Stuff the Mind’ campaign.

Stuff the Mind Campaign

This campaign was conceptualised with the aim of creating a post-pandemic shift in mindset, inspiring a new approach to one’s wellbeing that will go beyond the global crisis.

In order to get the message across to the local community, we put together the ‘Stuff the Mind Campaign’ video with our staff members and students adopting healthy and hygienic practices. To ensure the campaign gained traction, we encouraged our social media followers to post videos of themselves and their families practicing these healthy habits.

After the overwhelming response to the campaign, we put together the ‘Stuff the Mind Impact’ video of families who enthusiastically embraced the initiative, and integrated healthy and hygienic practices into their daily routine.

Watch our Stuff the Mind Campaign video and Stuff the Mind Impact video on our official YouTube channel: School Transport Services.
1. Stuff the Mind Campaign
2. Stuff the Mind Impact

Stuff the Mind Campaign