Tag Archives: Banksmen

Banksmen And Foremen Training

Banksmen and foremen form an essential part of STS Group’s operations team. Given that both roles oversee the implementation of safety rules and regulations in the company, they received regular training and refresher courses throughout the year.

Who is a Banksman and what do they do?

A designated person who safely guides bus drivers through vehicle manoeuvre, making them responsible for the safety of pedestrians, drivers, and other vehicles. The banksman plays an important role assisting in vehicle manoeuvre as drivers may not always have full view of their intended path of travel and when reversing the vehicle with limited visibility or space.

A banksman’s main form of communication with drivers is through hand signals. Through group activities and training exercises, the refresher course focuses on reinforcing essential qualities required to carry out their duties:

  • Excellent observation skills.
  • Hand/Eye coordination.
  • Sharp sight and hearing.
  • Soft skills such being assertive and a good communicator

Who is a Foreman and what do they do?

A designated person who supervises and supports bus drivers and bus guardians. The foreman undertakes thorough inspection of the buses. Buses undertake their journey only after all items on the foreman’s checklist have been completed and signed off. Regular maintenance and upkeep of all technologies and related devices on board each vehicle.

Beat the Heat Event

During the summer months, all our staff members including banksmen, foremen, bus drivers and guardians, and the STS Auto Services personnel undergo the Heat Injury and Illness training workshop. They are advised on health and safety practices, and preventive measures to manage and treat heat stress.