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Coping With Change

April 20, 2022

The start of the new term marks a big change in the lives of families with school going children. Parents and students have had to deal with constant change over the past year and seem to be coping with fears around safety. As most parents seem to be grappling with how best to support the young ones in the family, the Communications team at STS Group spoke to Dr. Binoy Nellissery, a Specialist Neonatologist and Paediatrician practising at Aster Hospital Al Qusais.

How can I support my child and ensure their mental wellbeing?

The start of a new term can be nerve-wracking for students, evoking a range of emotions from apprehension to anxiety. The advent of the pandemic has heightened the stress of separation anxiety and isolation. Often, children will present signs of mental illness that are not quite the same as adults. You may observe changes in behaviour, mood, sleep patterns, appetite and/or interactions with others that have a negative effect on your child’s day-to-day activities.

Seek help if your child is experiencing any of the following:

  • Extreme outburst or excessive mood swings.
  • Worrying that leads to stomach aches or headache.
  • Avoiding activities that they previously enjoyed, such as spending time with friends.
  • Unusually quiet, sad, or reserved, preoccupied.
  • Change in appetite – eating considerably less or more.

What changes should I make to nutrition to increase my child’s immunity?

A balanced and healthy diet can ensure a robust immune system. Inclusion of citrus fruits, yellow fruits, ginger, garlic, green leafy vegetables, almond, turmeric, and yogurt can strengthen the child’s immunity. Keeping the body hydrated is also very important and adequate vitamin D supplements have been found to be supportive, as demonstrated by studies. Ensuring adequate physical activity must also be considered a priority.

What should I keep in mind before sending my child back to school?

Create awareness among children regarding the spread of COVID-19 as well as the preventive measures like appropriate use of face masks and hand hygiene. Older child should get vaccinated as per the recommended age.


  • Spend more time with your child.
  • Family time must include indoor as well as outdoor activities.
  • Follow a healthy, nutritious diet.
  • Take up exercising together as a family.
  • Encourage opportunities to socialise and improve interpersonal interaction