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Vehicle Safety and Maintenance

Our Services

STS Auto Services maintains more than 3,000 of STS’s vehicles. It also undertakes works for other companies including the works of leading insurance companies.

Our maintenance teams consist of certified technicians and experts, and fleet managers, who are specialised in every aspect of vehicle repair and maintenance. Through strong in-house training programs, our maintenance teams keep up with the latest in service technology. Using the individual talents of our technical staff, we continually develop and enhance our fleet management strategies and program.

We offer the following integrated fleet maintenance solutions.

Mechanical Services

Electrical Services

Air Conditioning Services

Body Shop Services

Paint Shop Services

Service Station

Upholstery Services

Roadside Assistance Services

Along with these core services, we provide additional services such as:

Quick Lube Service: We carry out fast-tracked engine oil servicing.

Insurance Claims Management: We assist in insurance claim approvals, after which we carry out accident-related repairs.

RTA Tests: We provide a support service to assist in vehicle re-registration.